[font family=”Verdana,trebuchet ms,geneva,sans-serif” size=”22″ color=”ff0000″ textshadow=”0″ alignment=”left” weight=”bold” style=”normal” lineheight=”110″]Las Vegas Worms is NOT OPEN ANYMORE. I am leaving the site up because it has really useful information that has helped a lot of people! [/font]
Grow a beautiful, chemical free garden and be the envy of your neighbors year after year with no extra effort!
Start using red wigglers to enrich your garden and instead of your soil being depleted, your garden will grow healthier every single season with the amazing soil your worms make…
Hello Fellow Gardener,
John here, owner of Las Vegas Worms.
Congratulations on finding my site for heat tolerant red wigglers!

My hat is off to you because you’re smarter than 90% of other gardeners. You’ve done your research and you know red wigglers are the best thing you can do for your garden. I’m proud you’re on my site and I’m proud to help you out!
We all start with the same problem… there is no good soil in the Southwest. I came from the Midwest where we have black dirt everywhere. The soil is so good you can toss a seed in the ground anywhere and two plants grow from one seed. π (I’m kidding but you know what I mean, soil in other parts of the country is great for us gardeners.)
Not so in Vegas, Phoenix and other areas in the Southwest. It’s sand and gravel everywhere. No way you’re going to grow anything in that “soil.”
So people buy compost year in and year out and never get ahead. Their soil gets depleted and their gardens look worse every year.
And, have you ever see the crap the nurseries call compost? It’s NOT compost. Compost is a rich black, nutritious soil. Not the wood chips and sand I’ve seen in stores.
And if you want good compost? You’d need to sell a kidney to get good stuff shipped in. And you’d run out of kidneys after only two years. Then your soil and your garden goes downhill from there.
So what do you do?!?
The answer is red wigglers.
Yes, you probably already know how great red wigglers are and that’s how you found my site in the first place. You’re one of the smart gardeners who has done your research.
You know red wigglers are easy to raise, multiply quickly and enrich your soil year-round. It’s like having thousands of little composters working 24/7 to build the best soil your plants have ever seen.

Red wigglers are the composters of the natural world and there is nothing that breaks organic matter down into plant food faster than red wigglers. And nothing that makes as many nutrients available for your plants.
But, if you are Vegas, Phoenix, Mesa, or other areas in the Southwest, regular red wigglers aren’t going to work for you.
You need…
Heat tolerant red wigglers!
If you’ve read much on my site here, you know the red wigglers I sell are the BEST worms you can get for the extreme hot and cold temperatures in the Southwest. In fact they are the ONLY worms I know of that thrive in these temperatures.
And yes, there are other options for getting worms BUT, I’d be willing to bet none of the worms you see other places are going to work for you.
First of all, the worms you get from me are acclimated to the extreme hot summers and the extreme cold winters we have in the Southwest.
To put it simply, the worms you get from me live when other worms die.
But, that is just the beginning of the story. So sorry, but it’s just not worth it.
Don’t buy from Uncle Jim’s!
Many of my customers are former Uncle Jim’s customers.
But Uncle Jim’s operation is up in Pennsylvania where the average temperature in July is only 74 degrees. In Vegas the average temperature in July is 97 degrees and it can get up to 117-118 in Vegas. (It’s pretty much the same for the Phoenix area.)
How well do you think those 74 degree worms are going to do in 117 degree weather?
Right, not so well… they die.

Let me put that temperature difference another way.
Let’s imagine that you somehow got used to living outside when it’s 97 degrees. Then someone dumps you somewhere where it gets up to 141 degrees!!!
141 degrees!!! Well, you’re going to stress out and probably die. Same thing with those Uncle Jim’s worms, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that any worms you get from Uncle Jim’s are probably going to die on you.
And that is exactly why so many people who used to order from Uncle Jim’s come to me with their horror stories about all their worms dying on them.
What’s worse is that these new customers (Uncle Jim’s old ones) said that they couldn’t get their money back. See, Uncle Jim’s has a guarantee that covers live delivery of their worms.
Yep, their worms arrived alive all right. But they died in a week or two… past the guarantee period, and my new friends were screwed.
Out their money, behind in their gardening, and no worms to show for their trouble.
The Wild Garlic and Quack Grass of the Worm World
Here’s another BIG problems with getting your worms from Uncle Jim’s. Uncle Jim’s sells a breed of worms called blue worms (Perionyx Excavatus). They tell you they are “composting worms,” but all worms are not created equal.

The composting worms you read about everywhere, the great worms everyone raves about, are red wigglers (Eisenia foetida), which is the species of worms you get here.
Besides the fact that blue worms don’t eat as much or as fast as red wigglers and blue worms don’t multiply as fast as red wigglers…
Blue worms are invasive aliens.
In fact, blue worms are so bad for the environment that it’s illegal to buy or sell them in some countries.
They take over and kill off other species of worms. They drown out everything and create a toxic mono-culture that forces out many of the natural organisms in your soil. Organisms that your plants need to flourish.
I sell only red wigglers. These are the worms you want.
How to Fatten Up a Worm Like a Cow Going to Slaughter
It gets worse… you have to understand what most of these other operations do to their worms before they ship them to you (this includes Uncle Jim’s).
They starve their worms and dehydrate them so their worms are on the brink of death.
Then they feed and water their worms. And what do these poor, half-starved worms do when they finally get food and water?
Yep, the worms eat and eat and eat. They stuff themselves with food and suck up as much water as they can. And they double their body weight. They get HUGE…
Then the shysters in these other operations weigh the worms, all nice and fat, full of water weight, and ship them to you at this artificial weight.
It’s a racket.
And I won’t even go into how most of these other companies (yes, Uncle Jim’s too) harvest their worms by putting them in an huge tumbler and letting them drop 3-4 feet from a screen.
You Get BED RUN Worms From Me
What does bed run mean?
Well, bed run simply means that your red wigglers are taken out of the beds, as healthy as can be, put in a bag, and shipped to you.

They are hand picked one-by-one right from their home and shipped to their new home at your place. Simple…
That’s it. No starvation, no rehydration, no 3 foot drop from a tumbler, no stress on your worms… and an honest to goodness real weight shipped to you.
What About the Worms at Star Nursery?
No!!! Please don’t waste your time with those Star Nursery worms. They are worse than anything I’ve seen sold anywhere.
Star Nursery sells worms in the spring. Skinny, scrawny, half-dead worms. You get about 300 itty-bitty worms.
It’s a total rip off. You get more worms for less money if you get them from me… and my worms are healthy, wealthy and wise. Just don’t waste your time, hopes and money on those Star Nursery worms.
Ok, You Get It!
Ok, so you get that if you’re going to have a beautiful garden with huge veggies, a healthy lawn (and maybe huge buds on those pot plants), that you want to order your worms from me.
How Hard is it to Raise Worms?
Well, let me tell you, it’s pretty easy. I’ve taught classes of 7 and 8 year olds to raise worms with no trouble at all.
There are only two things you need to pay attention to, the amount of water in the bin and how much you feed your red wigglers.

If you have your worms in the garden, pots, raised beds… whatever, just water the plants like you normally would and the worms will do great.
If you have a worm bin, it’s really easy too. Just punch some holes in the bottom of the bin so extra water can drain out.
Feeding your worms is brain dead simple too. Just put your leftover fruits and veggies on top of the soil and cover the food with mulch, plastic or cardboard so the food stays moist. Done.

That’s it. The stuff you put in disappears and turns to soil. Your worms breed and multiply. And your bin fills up with baby worms and the most nutrient rich dirt on the planet!
Out in the garden your red wigglers munch away, poop out the best soil in the entire world, and your garden grows like gangbusters. It really is that easy!
So those are the basics to get you started…
But, I’m going to do one better for you…
I’m going to give you my cell phone number to answer any questions you have.

Yes, that’s right.
You’ll get my personal cell number so you can call me if you get stuck. I’m serious about helping you out. This is the number my friends and family call me on.
See I care about making sure you have a chemical free garden, bigger and better veggies and plants than any of your neighbors, and…
I’ll be the secret you have in your back pocket. No one even has to know how come you have tomatoes growing on top of each other and your pepper plants look like small trees.
How Many Worms Should I Get?
You probably want 2 or 3 pounds of worms to start with, just to get your feet wet.

Two pounds of worms will easily live in an ice cream bucket.
I have 2′ X 3′ raised bed garden bins. Each raised bed has about 6-10 pounds of worms in each bin.
In my breeding bins, I have 30 to 40 pounds of worms in the same 2′ X 3′ bin.
Yes, this is a lot red wigglers and you don’t need that many to start with.
So, Here’s What I Suggest…
If you are going to have your worms under the kitchen sink in a little dishtub, I’d start out with 2 pounds of worms. They will multiply and in a few months you will have over four pounds of worms in the tub (along with lots of great new soil your worms made).
Then you can take some worms and your new soil outside for your garden or put them in your potted houseplants. And save some in the tub for inside the house.

If you are putting your red wigglers in your garden, you’ll want more worms. A lot of people start out with 3-5 pounds of worms and let the worms breed on their own outside.
Really, you can’t have too many of these little composters. Plus, it makes no sense for you to buy two or three pounds at a time from me. You want them at your house breeding and multiplying and making great soil right from the start.
Most people get at least three pounds of worms to start out with because they realize the importance of getting off to a good start, they want to see results right away, and they want all the benefits that worm composting has to offer for their plants and gardens.
I really want to set you up for success and I know from years of helping people grow unbelievable gardens with worms that you really need at least 2 or 3 pounds of worms to get started right.
Can I Just Pick My Worms Up in Las Vegas?
If there is any bad news for “instant gratification” people, it’s that there isn’t local pickup.
Yes, I know, you are a gardener and you have the discipline to wait a whole season for great rewards. But once in a while I hear people say…
“Wait, John… I thought you were in Vegas and I could just pick them up.” Well, I used to be in Vegas, but I moved back home to the Midwest. But don’t worry, you can still get my worms!

When I left Las Vegas, I felt horrible because people who had been counting on me for years couldn’t find worms for sale that could live in the crazy Vegas summers and winters.
I wanted to find a great source of worms for my new and past customers who had come to rely on me for great quality worms. So… I went a lookin’…
I spent weeks researching, talking to worm farmers, visiting worm farms and checking out different red wigglers from different places.
Nothing I could find met the standards that you had come to appreciate from Las Vegas Worms. And none of these places were raising and harvesting their worms ethically.
Then I stumbled on a guy who was raising red wigglers in extreme temperatures. Almost as hot as Vegas in the summer and colder than Vegas in the winter. I couldn’t believe it!!!
I was humbled. Here was a strain of red wigglers that might even be better than the ones I had. I mean, his red wigglers were living in even more insane temperature swings than mine. So…
The Strongest Breed of Worms for Gardening in Extreme Temperatures
I gave him my worms to breed with his and make the population even stronger hoping I could get these amazing worms to you.
The problem is that he’s not tech savvy (though he does own a flip phone).

He didn’t want to sell worms online,
He didn’t want to make a website, and…
He didn’t want to ship worms.
But, I knew I had to convince him to get these incredible worms to you. I begged, I pleaded, and I begged some more.
Finally, we figured out a way that we could get these amazing worms to you. π
I would continue to run the Las Vegas worms website, do all the computer stuff, and take care of the technical stuff, communicate with you, send emails with tracking information… And he would ship his improved heat tolerant worms.
Believe it or not…
Worms Shipped Right to Your Door!
He is going to be able to send worms to your doorstep for LESS than what I was charging for local pickup!
You get a stronger strain of worms, delivered right to your door, and pay less for them.
Even as I type this, it sounds too good to be true. But, I made it happen for you!
What’s Next?
Near the bottom of this page is an order form. Simply click on the drop down arrow and choose how many pounds of worms you want. (As you discovered above, you’ll probably want to get at least 2 or 3 pounds, probably more.)
Then click the buy now button.
You’ll check out with a credit card or through your PayPal account.
And yes… You do pay more for the worms you get from me!
Absolutely, and you can be proud of that. And you can be proud to have the best worms in the country.
I don’t know what else you could ever buy that is the best in the country, better than anybody else’s anything, and have it cost you 10 bucks more. That is a screaming deal.
And make no mistake, I LOVE giving you a deal like this. Like I said before, it makes me PROUD to help you out and PROUD that you’re here on my site since you are one of the smart gardeners who did their homework and you know how amazing red wigglers are for your plants.
My Guarantee (or Lack of one when it’s over 90 degrees)
Since I gave my worms to the new breeder, I make about $1.50 on each pound of worms you buy.
That’s it. One dollar and fifty cents.
Obviously, I don’t do this to make money. I do this because I am really proud of the worms I’ve bred. No one even thought it was possible.
And I’m happy to help other gardeners out, we gotta stick together. Plus, if I didn’t have these worms for people, we wouldn’t have any worms that stayed alive in Southwest gardens.
So why no guarantee when the temperature is over 90 degrees?
You see, when someone gets a refund, that money comes right out of my pocket. I don’t mind helping people out, spending my time answering questions, updating the website, and supplying everyone with heat tolerant worms, but I sure as heck don’t want my good deeds to cost me money!!!
So, I’m not guaranteeing the worms get to you alive if the temperature is over 90 degrees. So for the summer months, there is no guarantee and if the worms die, you are out your money.
In over 9 years of shipping these amazing red wigglers, the ONLY time any of my customers got dead worms was when they left them sitting outside in the mailbox or on their porch and the worms cooked until the customer got home. (That has only happened twice, growers are responsible people.)
BUT… every single time, in the entire 9 years I’ve been shipping worms, the worms are alive when the person goes out to get them right away. I suppose it’s possible that you could be the first unlucky customer who gets worms that arrive dead, and if that happens, you are out your money. But, that has never, ever happened before.
I’ll send you a tracking number so you’ll know when your worms get to your house. Often your postal carrier will deliver the worms to your front door BEFORE they go on their regular route. (They don’t want dead, stinky worms on their truck so they are highly motivated to get them to you alive.)
So as long as you or a friend or a neighbor is there to get the worms inside or in the ground when they arrive, chances are your worms will be alive. BUT again, if they arrive dead, I’m still not refunding your money or sending you any free worms. I am not going to be punished for my good deeds.
Get your worms now!
If you are thinking of composting or gardening, I’d recommend you get these worms now. I would hate for you to miss out if the guy I gave my worms to decides he doesn’t want to mess with this anymore.
He is a wonderful guy and with my population breeding with his, he has the best worms I’ve ever seen besides mine. But he’s kinda finicky. He could just up and decide he doesn’t want to ship these worms anymore. So, if you come back later, you might not be able to get these heat tolerant red wigglers anymore.
So please, get these worms right now before you forget and then come back to find they aren’t available.
Your best buys are forΒ 3, 5 and 10 poundsΒ of worms, those are your best buys.
My guess is that you need at least 2 or 3 pounds of worms, probably more.
PS. If you want more than 10 pounds of worms, send me a message at john@lasvegasworms.com and I’ll get back to you.
PPS. Worms are shipped the Monday after you order and are almost always delivered between Wednesday and Saturday.
Thank you to the following people for use of their images on this page! π
Photo credit: Amy M. Youngs on VisualHunt.com / CC BY-NC-SA
Photo on Visual Hunt
Photo credit: John The Geologist on Visual hunt / CC BY-NC-SA
Photo credit: USDAgov on Visualhunt.com / CC BY
Hi Bryce! Thanks for your message here! I’m sorry to hear about your worms, that is such a shame.
And I hope to be selling again too. Things are chaotic right now. Maybe by mid-summer we will be able to start shipping again. Fingers crossed.
Hi John,
I’m going to be raising these as bait worms. A common problem we have is that most worms can’t handle the heat in a boat during the middle of the day. Hope these guys are up to the task. I’ve raised red wigglers en masse before, but I couldnt move my worm ranch with me to tennessee. I hope these are the toughest worms around. If anyone can find this answer, it’s me.
Will report my results after fishing with them some.
Hey Jesse!
It sounds like you’ll be putting these guys to the ultimate test. If any worms can take it, the ones you ordered from me can! π
I’m excited to hear back from you, please send an update… good or bad.
You’re welcome, Crystal!
I’m happy to hear that your worms are healthy and lively! These really are great worms! π
And yes, please report back and let me know how they do. They should be just fine as long as you have at least 8 inches of soil, compost or whatever that they can dig down into.
Talk soon,
Thanks for keeping me updated, Crystal! And wonderful to hear that your worms are loving their new home in your garden and making lots of compost for you there in Las Vegas! π
I’ll look for your next order coming in! Thanks for the vote of confidence here! π
So glad we found this. We’ve bought worms thru Amazon and Star Nursery but they never seemed to last.
Hey Rob,
Thanks for letting people know you haven’t had any luck getting worms from Star Nursery or Amazon. I hate hearing story after story of people in the Southwest having their worms die on them because they didn’t get these heat tolerant ones here.
As long as you have about 8-10 inches of soil for them to dig down into when it gets in the 120’s for a few days, your worms will be fine there in Henderson.
And thanks for your phone call and your order! π
Let me know if I can help you out!